Steps for getting your InRoads Project going in OpenRoads.

Plan your data management.

You will likely want to make a folder for just your ORD dgn files.  InRoads files should be quarantined in their own folder.  Your support or source files should be in clearly-named folder or folders.

  1. Create a New File from the ORD 2D seed - call this your "working" file.
    1. You may want to reference in your InRoads working dgn.  
  2. Create (from the ORD 3D seed) an existing terrain .dgn
    1. Import the existing.dtm(s) - multiple existing can be managed via a Complex Terrain.

Plan your data management. 

Is your project big?  Will multiple people (of multiple disciplines?) be working on it?  If so, federate appropriately.

If the job is small, you can stuff a single dgn with a bunch of different types of data (notice how vague that sounds).

For most medium to large projects, a 2D Geometry file should be created.  Import your alg's here.

For most medium to large projects,  you may want to have one or more dgn's for proposed dtms (though, it's better to build terrains off of source graphics (differentiated by level, etc. - vs. generic linework)).

For small single-designer projects, you can stuff things into your working dgn.

Import your OpenRoads Data

Get your ALGs in.

Figure out how you're going to manage all the other InRoads data - and graphic data.

Stream-Crossing Example Project

Create your 3D existing terrain.dgn.  Import your existing dtm there.

Create Your 2D working file.  Reference in the "inroads" graphics.

Import all the alg files.

Open the .itl - explore it.  Is there a ditch/stream template?  Is there an appropriate access road template?  If not, find and edit one from another (master) itl or create your own.

Create a Corridor along the stream.  Create a Corridor along the road.

Everything should be pretty straightforward except the intersection of the road and stream corridors.  There's some detail engineering required here.  There are a lot of ways to get this detailed.  But that will wait for another day...